Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gold Metal Core Flavourmelbourne According To The "Iron Catastrophe" Theory, Most Of The Earth's Iron Is In The Core, Yet We Still Mine Gold?

According to the "Iron Catastrophe" theory, most of the Earth's iron is in the core, yet we still mine gold? - gold metal core flavourmelbourne

In theory, the Earth was mostly a homogeneous mass of molten hot magma in the early years, then all things have a lot in the liquid hot magma, and was pleased with the things chilling light on top. But we still have iron mines, and even more surprising that many heavy metals such as gold, uranium, even the densest one, osmium.

Can the earth was really very heterogeneous, with no heavy elements in the crust, in addition to what already bound to lighter compounds, with an average density? Perhaps the enormous quantities of iron and heavier elements came after the bombardment of asteroids?

Check out this statement on 433 Eros:

"That is the theory that Eros has more gold, silver, zinc, aluminum and other metals that are occasionally or never obtained from the upper crust of the earth." Wiki --

One or two of them could really get "a large number of mines.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_catast ...


Reginald... said...

Most of them can not be poured during the event from the magma is not the consistency of water, it is viscous. Moreover, the surface regions where the temperature is much lower, will not allow these minerals and elements to flow, because the atmosphere is as thick as it was today 'hui.

Note that the bombing there in the late 3.8-4.1 million years ago? Earth has cooled enough (and only after 300 million years after the disaster of the side rail) does not allow more than sinks and a solid crust that are broken from asteroids. Most asteroids in this case, the registration over 10 miles in diameter and can have large quantities of gypsum in heavier elements in the crust. Earth can withstand such collisions still persecuted in the future. I also remember another story insignificant, but interesting to see how the elements were mainly iron deposited in the earth's crust. There are about 30,000 years ago, the solar system came into the borders of the shell of a supernova shell, probably a member of the Centaurus-Lupus-SCOROB1 Pio. It was found when a large number of mammoth tusks were found shot deeply rooted micro-iron. Imagine something like in this case every few million years, and you have a large amount of heavy elements around.

Clear Skies!

oklatono... said...

Yes, I mean iron asteroid Subury, Canada and Minnesota and other places where they are involved in iron meteorites or asteroids. The stone that the Muslims is to five times a day Mecca, a large iron-nickel meteorites aligned. Traces of magnetic fields on Mars are probably buried asteroids.

eelfins said...

The Earth formed from small planets and asteroids, many, no doubt, as Eros. The heavier elements tend to a lower level before the damn solidified sink, but certainly not all.

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